60 years and counting

Robert Hirsch

*Will turn 75 on April 13, 2021!

Cheryl Pickering Orazem, married to Joe Orazem, has been in contact lately with foreign exchange student, Marilena Marone, who lived with her family during our senior year.  She has sent an update for all to see.

Marilena married Antonio De Petris and they had one daughter, Michela.  Marilena was a biochemist and is now retired. Her husband passed about a year ago and she lives with Michy (daughter) and Diamond, their dog.  They live in Milan, still have her parents' house in Como, and have a lovely place in the mountains as well.  Michy is a vegan doctor and does many seminars, publications, etc. 

Marilena travels with her often to where the seminars are held and apparently Michy is quite well known in Italy.

Joe and I have been invited to Italy to tour Milan and Como areas as their guests and we hope to get that done eventually.  Had planned for this year but won't be happening now.  They fared well during the shutdown of the pandemic.  Still not traveling much except to their other homes.

It is fun to communicate with Marilena via Messenger, both typed and voice exchanges.  Her English is still pretty good, even though she doesn't think it is.
Michela found Cheryl on FB and contacted her several years ago to see if Cheryl was the same person her mother knew.  Marilena  had recently bought a smart phone so she was just learning.

She remembers fondly her time at South and sends best wishes to all.  If anyone wishes more info, just contact Cheryl.

Click on the Profile Update button to access an electronic form you can use to enter the information you choose to share and submit to us. 

PLEASE help make our website a way to keep posted on what is going on with classmates!

Updates are posted below in the order received.

Bill Moore

*Will turn 75 on April 6, 2021!

Bill is pictured here with his wife Jane and Pete Buttigieg's husband Chasten.  The Moores worked on the Buttigieg campaign before he dropped out of the Presidential race.

Contact Information:

E-mail:  novakconsultinginc@gmail.com

Phone Number (719) 4993916

Lives in Colorado Springs

Contact Information:



Phone Number (209) 649-5697

Lives in Stockton, California

I retired from the University of Utah in July, 2019.  I spent the next six months receiving treatment for prostate cancer.  A little over two months after that, we were an early hotspot for the virus and went into lock down.  We have been in a voluntary lock down since then. So, my first 18 months of retirement did not go as we had planned.

However, I am cancer-free a year after treatment. We were able to work on the Pete Buttigieg campaign from mid fall 2019 until he dropped out in early March.  We spent all day going door-to-door in the snow the Saturday before Super Tuesday. When we got home, we turned on the television and found that Pete was announcing his withdrawal. It was really interesting to see a political campaign from that level.

We have lived in Park City for over 28 years and now consider ourselves Park Cityites. With the pandemic, we spend time reading, exercising, and walking our hills.  Jane has many other projects, and I am learning Python. We are doing fine, but miss seeing our kids who live in Oklahoma and California.

I have many fond memories of the people and times at South. However, they are tinged with sadness over so many friends I have lost over the years.

We wish everyone a healthy and happy 2021.

Professor Emeritus Melvin Dubnick, University of New Hampshire

Here's Bob today with a beer flight...perfect!

My plans for the future include more travel when the places I want to go are safe again.  Here at home I am serving on the Center for Active Learning leadership team in my community and will be offering online classes in the spring and in-person classes in the fall.  The most recent class I taught was entitled Female Spies In America's Wars.  I also really enjoyed working as an election judge during the November election...what a good way to see democracy at work!

I continue to pursue painting with a passion and have developed my own art gallery website to display and possibly sell my art.  It can be found by clicking on this button.

My grandsons are atop my list of favorite people, and I enjoy doing a variety of things with them immensely.  Can't believe they are already in 5th and 4th grade.  I have many friends here in my retirement community with whom I paint, play golf, play poker, play mah jongg, and play around.  And, I have good friends in cool places like Vail and Palms Springs to go visit.  I have a goofy cat who is my soulmate. Her name is Jasmine, but I call her Jazzy.  She is afraid of everything and everybody but me...look up fraidy cat in the dictionary and you'll probably find her picture.  Golf, that four letter word, is very high on my list of active things to do.

High school was a wonderful time in my life and I have so so many great memories, way too many to single out just one.  Falling backwards off the top riser on stage during a Student Council assembly really sticks in my mind as one of the most embarrassing, but I did get elected!

Melvin Dubnick

*Will turn 75 on July 21, 2021!

No news here.  I an an old retired guy.  I retired in 2016 after life as an Exec & CFO. My work history can be viewed at www.linkedin.com  

What keeps me busy these days is grandchildren, travel, and involvement in an extremely active church, Wellspring Church in Englewood.  You can visit its website at www.wellspringenglewood.com

Telling of a favorite memory from my days at South would require recalling when I was young and stupid....oh my goodness.

Karen Kloepfer Craig

*Will turn 75 on July 18, 2021!

Sheryl Hutchings

*Will turn 75 on December 7, 2021!

Italian Foreign Exchange Student Marilena Marone back in the day!

Like most grandparents, Anita and I love spending time with our three grand boys. The oldest is in his first year at Ottawa University and made the varsity baseball team as a catcher.  The other two are in the 9th and 10th grade.  Ninth grade for me is memorable in many ways because that is when I met many of you, the Class of 64.

Anita and I have, since retirement, enjoyed traveling the US in our motor home.  I truly enjoy going to Pueblo as often as possible because I get to see not only my classmates but also family.

I have volunteered many hours to political issues and running the polls during elections, many hours teaching the youth and women the safety of guns and how to shoot them as an NRA certified pistol instructor. Golf now has taken up the number one spot for current activities.  

I consider family and friends my highest priority.

I have many vivid memories from my high school years, which were such a carefree period in my life:  going roller skating, swimming at City Park, and hanging out with such great friends made an awesome impact on my life, but I did not realize it at the time. 

The most vivid recent memory for me is attending the 45th reunion and renewing so many friendships. Thanks to Hutch, not only for all her contributions, but also her friendship over the years.  She helped in getting in touch with many of you.  Thanks to the Reunion Committee as a whole:  many fond memories have been relived!

A significant change in my life is that my husband and I moved into a different house after 45 years in our two story home.  We bought a large one story home in the same neighborhood.

Dave and I both taught at Fremont Junior High and we both were transferred to Franklin High School in 1977.  I retired in 2000 and Dave in 2006. We have done a lot of traveling through the years both in the United States and in other countries.  Most trips were because of Racquetball.  Our son was a professional racquetball player and then my husband was the USA Team Coach for 15 years, finally giving it up in 2019 after the Pan American Games in Peru. Some countries we visited were Costa Rica, Germany, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, and Dave went to Korea and Peru where I was not able to go.  While on these racquetball trips I served as the unofficial Team Mom.  That usually meant I was repairing ripped uniforms, doing the team laundry, finding food and water for the players and coaches.  Of course I was rooting for players during their matches.

November 26,2020, Thanksgiving Day, was the year we celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary.  In 1970, it was Thanksgiving Day also.  We were planning a big party, but of course with Covid, it became a small family dinner.  The highlight was a video our grandson made of many friends in our life wishing us congratulations.  

During the pandemic, I have been very cautious, staying at home most of the time. Dave and I do go to a trainer 45 minutes, three times a week in the morning. The workouts are serious, so afterwards, we usually rest a bit.  Later in the day we take a 20 to 40 minute walk.  Knock on wood, we are both in good health.

Our son and his family live close by so we see them often.  We both help our son run a junior racquetball program. The gym he works at has the indoor courts closed so so we had to find other ways to keep the kids busy. The pickleball courts and outdoor courts are open so the junior players that made the national team have been keeping active doing these activities.  Dave and John coach, and I do the book work involved with the program.  We have received grants from the Reaching Your Dream Foundation and the Stockton Community Involvement Foundation that makes it possible for us to run the program.  We are anxious for the pandemic to end so we can go back to working with about 50 kids, ages 6-18, two days a week. Right now we are able to serve about 13 of the older kids.

I did not learn Spanish as a child, but now I am doing Duolingo every day, and I am improving.

My favorite things are my home and my family.  We have  two grandchildren.  Julius is 18 and attends Sonoma State University where is a freshmen taking classes virtually.  Jordan is 13 and she is in the 7th grade also doing her school work virtually.  We are so lucky that our son John and wife Jennifer and the kids live close to us, so we see them often.  We also often see Jennifer's parents, who live in Stockton as well.  Dave and I are guilty of napping every day, but we do stay up late watching TV.  I like our workouts because they do help us to stay strong and healthy.  We meet with a group of longtime friends by Zoom once a month and we do the same with a group of teachers that we taught with at Franklin High School.  We are looking forward to meeting in person again with both groups.

I truly enjoyed the time I spent as a student at South High.  I met and made many friends.  I enjoyed participating in Student Council, Girls Club, being on the Pepperette Team and attending all the sports events.  One of my favorite memories is when the Pepperettes marched down Main Street in a parade to the music of Rock Around the Clock.  Our pompoms were really long and heavy, our uniforms were made of wool and it was at least 100 degrees as we wre marching.  Hot but fun!

Marilena and her daughter Michela at home in Italy today.

John DiCiacco

Contact Information

E-mail:  jbeans@comcast.net   
Phone: 719-250-2200


88 Purdue Street
Pueblo, CO  81005

Contact Information:

Email:  http://mjdubnick.dubnick.net/


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mdubnick

Skype: mdubnick

Contact Information:



Bennie Carrico Swanson

*Will turn 75 on August 26, 2021!

Marilena Marone

Nickname: Hutch

Contact Information:

Phone Number:

(303) 2044682


21941 E. Canyon Place, Aurora CO 80016

One of my favorite websites to which I donate is called:  "American Vet Dogs Corps."  Visit them at www.vetdogs.org.

My service dog of only eight years young "crossed over" December 28, 2020. His name was Mato, a Lakota name for "bear."  Mato was a beautiful black
lab, and we had become "soul mates."  I miss him terribly.

For many veterans who are disabled in one way or another, including having PTSD-related issues, these service dogs are a life line to survival.

I hope that classmates who visit our class website will also visit www.vetdogs.org and will find it informative and useful.

Contact Information

E-mail:   robertlhirsch@msn.com
Phone: (303) 3786788


846 Good Hope Dr  

Castle Rock, Colorado 80108

Pat Munoz Ellis

*Will turn 75 on August 30, 2021!

Contact Information:

E-mail: jsandoval64@yahoo.com
Phone Number:

(760) 5597705


31213 Avenida Del Reposo  Temecula CA 92591

The webmistress's apologies to Jerry...he wrote all over his face on his picture in her annual, so she had to scrounge this one up from our 50 year reunion! 

Jerry Novak

*Will turn 75 on May 3, 2021!

John Sandoval

*Turned 75 on May 2, 2020!

Contact Information:


Phone Number:

(970) 736-2272

Hi to all my classmates of ’64!

I will celebrate my 75th birthday on August 26.  That number seems impossible, but I am very grateful to have had so many blessings in my life!  Jim and I celebrated our 56th anniversary this summer!

Our daughter Jamie carries on Jim’s family practice of dentistry here in Pueblo, and she and her husband have a son, Cole, who is a college sophomore, and Luke, who is a junior in high school.  Our son Brad is single, and is living here in Pueblo and working as a life coach.  Our daughter Wendy is an occupational therapist in the Cherry Creek School District, and she is mom to 15 year-old Kenyon and 11 year old Macy.  Grandchildren are the best!!   We all took a family road trip to the Grand Canyon in November which was so magnificent and fun. We love to do a yearly family trip and hope that can happen again one of these days!   We love beach vacations and have all traveled to Mexico several times and hope we can do that again.

Jim retired from his dental practice a year ago, but now works 2 days a week as a clinical instructor at the hygiene school.  He still loves the profession and this provides a nice transition!    I still enjoy my job working for Jamie doing bookkeeping, payroll, office manager, etc.  Keeps me active!  I also love to read, bike, boat, and belong to a great Bible study. I have great memories of my time at South and especially cherish the lifelong friendships created there.  I love it when we are able to get together either in person or virtually.   I hope and pray for each one to stay safe and healthy until we meet again. ​

My husband Dan and I have retired as teachers in Steamboat Springs and the area to its south.  Dan taught at Steamboat Springs High School and I taught in elementary school in Yampa.

We still raise Hereford bulls on our ranch close to the Flattops near Yampa.

We have four grand kids we enjoy. And, our black lab keeps us entertained daily.

While many of you in the Class of 1964 went through your K-12 years together, I was a latecomer having moved to Pueblo mid-way through my sophomore year. My memories of that relatively brief time at South are fond ones. Collectively you were a very welcoming bunch.

Last May, after 50 years of college teaching, I retired from the University of New Hampshire.  After receiving my PhD from the University of Colorado, I held full-time positions at Emporia State University, Loyola University of Chicago, the University of Kansas, the City University of NewYork, Rutgers University, and finally UNH. I still hold positions as Professor emeritus at both Rutgers and UNH.

With my wife Randi (nee Zagon, Central '66), I live in Beverly Massachusetts. We have two children, Heather (who lives in Beverly and works as a freelance editor) and Philip, who works as a singer-songwriter-producer in Nashville.

Over the years I have taught and written on a wide range of topics in the fields of political science and public administration. Most of my writing has been on the nature of "accountability" in government, but I have also co-authored several textbooks. In 2018, Oxford University Press published the 12th edition of my co-authored textbook on "American Government: Myths and Realities". Previously I published co-authored textbooks on "Thinking About Public Policy" (1983) and "American Public Administration" (1991), as well as co-editing "Accountable Governance" (2010) and the multi-volume 3rd edition of "Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy" (2015).

In 2010 I was elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration and was a Fulbright and International Fellow at Queens University, Belfast, from 2003-2005.

I've been spending most of my post-retirement time in quarantine on long delayed home projects and attempting to reconnect with old friends and cleaning up my website (mdubnick.dubnick.net). I look forward to keeping up with the folks from my brief time at South High.

I have been in the land development business my whole working life.  I semi-retired 8 1/2 years ago, but I am still consulting with developers.  

I married my wife, Dorothy Wodiuk in 1972.  She still tolerates me and takes care of me.  We have two daughters, Janice and Barbara,  and four grandkids:  Allara (16), Cody (13), Colton (13), and Lyla (10).  Wish they lived closer, but unfortunately they are in Rapid City SD and Vancouver WA.

I volunteer on several boards:
Home Builder Association PAC
National Association of Home Builders National Life Director
El Paso County Arterial Street Reimbursement Committee
Volunteer with Silver Key Senior Services
Board of HBA Cares

I like to fish, hunt and travel, mostly to see the family.

One of my most vivid favorite memories from high school is playing the accordion at the Senior Breakfast with Art Hayes on guitar and Don Snowdon on bass .  

Contact Information:



Phone Number:

(801) 856-6425

Lives in Park City, Utah